Saturday, August 29, 2009

Playing catch up

When I started this blog, I thought it would be a good way to record the next 4 years of my life. What I'm finding is that the next 4 years will be 1. filled with fun, new, interesting events that I want to remember and share every detail about and 2. so busy that I will unsuccessfully attempt to document even a third of what actually happened in vet school.
With this in mind, I have pledged to try and write at least weekly the highlight and lowlight of my week. Third week of vet school;

Highlight: Friday we got our cadaver dogs and it was udderly fantastic to do something with my brain and hands other than listen to leactures and type notes.

Lowlight: a. Bombed histo quiz number one and b. my buddy didn't get voted class president despite being the best person for the job.


  1. Hey T! It's me, Heather! It sounds like you're just like me: busy, excited, nervous, and having fun learning all at the same time. I'll be following your blog and commenting, and I look forward to your future Vet School endeavors. Go you! I'm so happy. Your house is nice by the way! heh heh

  2. Hey Gurl! So happy to hear from you. It's crazy but you know what....I wouldn't trade places for a MINUTE! K.I.T
