Friday, October 16, 2009

Who took my life-jacket?

I did not do well in one of my courses which is already over at this point in the semester. I didnt fail but lets just say- I skinned by by the hair on my teeth. Frankly, I'm in shock over it. During orientation they warned us not to be grade obsessed and get all upset over less that optimal grades; with that said you never think that is going to be you when your sitting in your first week of vet school. Sure, sure, some poor chap will get bad grades and that sad sucker shouldn't feel bad about it, but hey thats not going to be you so just file that in the back of your brain somewhere and move along.
Then when reality comes and slaps you upside your head- you realize despite studying for hours and hours for an exam you just didnt get the grade you wanted or deserved and it is absolutely painful....and humilitating.


  1. Ouch. That sucks -- I know how crushing it is to get a much worse grade than you expected, and how you feel kind of stunned by it and don't quite believe it happened. It helps if you can figure out what went wrong; that at least helps you realize that you're doing something about it. But in the end, one or two or five bad grades in vet school aren't likely to make any difference at all to your life or career in the long run! Even if you want a competitive residency, you'll have an edge as a nontrad with tons more real-world medical experience than all the 25 year olds with straight A's applying for the same position. I think that makes a lot of difference. Good luck!

  2. Hey there, I am a member of SDN and followed your story there. I stumbled across your blog, and have to say that I so empathize with this post. Actually, I talk about this in my most recent post as well.

  3. Another SDN member lurking by. I just finished my first term and my grades were terrible. I passed everything, though at one point I really didn't think I would.
    It feels crummy, to look at those Cs on my record, but I keep reminding myself that first semester sucks and then it gets better. Here's hoping.

  4. Hey T! How is it going? I haven't heard from you in a while. I'm sure things are busy and it's hard to keep up with a blog. I hope you are doing well. I am hanging on for dear life as well. Illinois' new curriculum is challenging, but well worth it. I am looking forward to 2nd year for sure...parasitology, immunology, bacteriology, etc.etc. haha Keep hanging in there. :)

