So as a vet student, Im required to be vaccinated against rabies. Rabies virus [hereto refered to as RV] (info courtesy of infects the central nervous system, causing encephalopathy and ultimately death. Exposure is typically from a bite, but can be passed from saliva into an open wound or from blood to blood contact. Human vaccinations for rabies consist of either a pre- or post exposure protecal. The pre-exposure protecal consists of a series of 3 intramuscular (IM) injections. OUCH! The thought process is for those who are at an increased risk of exposure, (vets, animal control officers, vet technicians, ect.) these vaccinations will hopefully prevent the disease from occuring if indeed we are exposed.
The problem is that the vaccines are not covered by most health insurances (???) and as a lowly, soon to be broke, graduate student I can not afford to shell out $500 per injection for shots. Yep, that is correct! $1500 total for pre-exposure vaccines. Thanks to a shortage of vaccine (made by only one manufacturer) and the limited amounts of persons qualifying to receive the vaccine, the cost remains high. This is the reason, I was never vaccinated for RV as a LVT. Employers wont pay for it and insurance will only pay for post-exposure vaccines. (Okay, side bar, don't you just love the insurance companies.)
Anyway, so UGA sent us this info packet about a CDC study that is requesting vet students volunteers to be subjects to study the IM vaccine as a intradermal (ID) injection. Same vaccine, just different route. And we get the vaccines completey FREE! So, as you might have guessed, I totally jumped at the chance. Ain't research grand! :P****** PETA.
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